Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Game Online

We are glad to see you in a dynamic game based on the famous universe. Here, players will immerse themselves in the events preceding the original anime. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero offers a gripping storyline that combines time travel, battles, and interaction with cool characters.
You will find:
- Turn-based Missions
- Multiplayer Mode
- Transformations
The game begins with the heroes encountering anomalies in the timeline that threaten to destroy the entire world. They occur due to the intervention of a mysterious force seeking to change the outcome of key battles in history. The team led by Goku unites with the Guardians of Time to eliminate the main problem. However, as they go to different stages, it becomes clear that a powerful and mysterious enemy is behind the disasters.
Main Events
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is divided into several story arcs, each of which focuses on certain moments. Fans will have to cross paths with different sagas and make adjustments to the outcome to return them to the original result.
- Frieza
- Cell
- Majin Buu
- Former Boss
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero also contains many secret characters. Including previously unknown fighters, and hidden locations that reveal additional details about the past and motivations of enemies. They can be unlocked by fulfilling special conditions or participating in competitions. Remember that every step has consequences and is also very important! Will you take the risk?
The final boss battle is the culmination of the game. After defeating him, the problem disappears and the world returns to normal. However, the heroes realize that the enemy’s intervention has left a mark, and there may be new threats in the future. The trial will end on an open note, leaving a chance for continuation.